Summary of State Transit Funding in 2024-25 Budget - 4/19/2024

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State Lawmakers & RTS Call for Robust Funding Increase for Public Transit in Final NYS Budget - 3/28/24

Click here to view Press Release

NYPTA Releases Talking Points on Executive Budget & the Need for Transit Investment - 2/1/24

Click here to view our talking points and our case for greater support.


NYPTA President Testifies Before Joint Legislative Public Hearing on 2024 Executive Budget Proposal on Transportation - 1/24/24

NYPTA President James Morrell testified in support of greater funding for public transit at the January 24 Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation.

Click here to read the full submitted testimony.

Watch President Morrell's Testimony

Watch President Morrell's Reponses to Questions from Senator Kennedy


Click here to view NYPTA Recommendations for Executive Budget - Updated - 1/24/24


NYPTA Releases Executive Budget Review Final – 1/18/23

Click here to view NYPTA’s update and analysis of Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget as it pertains to transit.


NYPTA Responds to Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget Address – 1/17/23

A statement by James Morrell, President of the New York Public Transit Association:

“NYPTA thanks Governor Kathy Hochul for her strong support of New York’s public transit systems. Public transit plays a critical role in making connections and providing access that supports the state’s goals on affordable housing, climate change, economic development, and social equity. At the same time, the costs to operate transit services are increasing faster than our funding streams. It is essential that state investments in transit systems maintain consistent growth at 15% to help us meet the growing demands for more services in communities throughout the state. We look forward to working with Governor Hochul, her team, and the state legislature to reach that goal in the final budget. It is what’s necessary to keep New York’s transit operations statewide thriving and growing.”


NYPTA Preliminary Summary of State Transit Funding in 2024-25 Executive Budget - 1/16/24

Governor Hochul released her FY 2024-25 executive budget today totaling $233 billion, a 1.8% increase from 2023-24. 

The Executive Budget proposal provides additional transit operating assistance for all transit systems above the levels contained in last year’s final 2023-24 State Budget. Capital funding for non-MTA transit systems is $139.5 million, which is $20 million below the level appropriated last year and specified in the 5-Year Non-MTA Capital Program.

Click here for NYPTA’s early summary of the funding for public transit. We are still reviewing the details of the budget and its related legislation and will provide a more complete analysis soon. Please stay tuned.

NYPTA FY 2024-25 State Budget Recommendations

  1. Maintain Consistent Growth in State Transit Investment at 15%
    State investment in transit systems, other than the MTA, has grown by an average of 15% per year over the past two years. This is proof positive to the importance of transit services across the state. It is an endorsement of the critical role that transit systems play in developing connections to support the economy, the environment, and social equity. Expanding transit service also supports community revitalization and affordable housing goals. At the same time, the costs to operate transit services are rising as inflation pressures operating and capital budgets.

    Mobility provided by transit is essential to economic development across New York. Communities across the state are asking for more services, expanded frequencies, and new mobility choices like on-demand service. Maintaining the growth in state operating assistance and providing predictability in state funding is essential for transit systems to:
  • Plan for appropriate service and staffing levels.
  • Expanding mobility choices that communities across the state are demanding.
  • Support personal mobility for individuals of all ages and abilities.
  • Fund growing operating expenses (fuel, parts, and supplies) and labor costs.
  • Fund the rising costs of providing paratransit service.
  • Replace federal Covid relief funds that are nearly exhausted.
  1. Fully fund state revenues for MTA’s 2024 operating budget to maintain historic investment and fulfill the state commitments to the MTA capital program

  2. Fully fund the 3rd year of the Non-MTA 5-year capital program at $159.5 million.

  3. Continue the STOA hold-harmless provision for transit systems that have not achieved pre-covid ridership levels.

  4. Continue the $4 million from DOH for rural transit systems impacted by the state’s Medicaid transportation changes.

  5. Enact legislation to create NYPTA’s proposed Consensus Green Transit Working Group to develop an implementation roadmap to achieve the state’s zero-emission goals.

Click here to view/download a copy of NYPTA’s 2024-25 State Budget Recommendations - Updated 1/24/24

Click here to view/download Preliminary Summary of State Transit Funding in 2024-25 Executive Budget

Click here to view/download Executive Budget Review Final

Click here to view/download Joint Budget Hearing Testimony